Journal Theory

19: I was the girl that NEVER got hit on…



It’s likely the title of this post made you roll your eyes. Okay, so you didn’t get “hit on” when you were younger… big deal! Believe it or not its not an important part of the story. In fact, its just a story. But there was a big lesson I learned from it. Read on… Back in my single days, my friends and I would go out to the bars and I remember I rarely got approached by guys. I was never the girl who got free drinks, and I certainly never walked away from a night of bar hopping with a crush, a phone number, or a date. I’m not trying to toot my own horn here but I felt like I was attractive. I certainly was not the “duff.” I had a good head on my shoulders. People, I had things to offer!! So why was it that I was not receiving the kind of attention that my friends were? I honestly starting asking myself, “How come nobody ever comes and hits on me, or no guys ever come and talk to me?” If they did, it was somebody who was so completely far off from anybody that I would ever be interested. Sorry to say it but i