Journal Theory

18: Getting Unstressed: Real Talk about Overwhelm, Stealing Moments for Yourself & Taking Care of who we are at our CORE with Liz Carlile



Like many first time moms, Liz Carlile found herself beyond stressed, resentful and tired of not having any time for herself. After having her first son she quickly realized that her lack of self-care was not serving her whatsoever. Slowly but surely, she began to steal moments for herself throughout her week and through that, she began to create a new mother, unstressed. I got the opportunity to chat with Liz and my goodness she is #goals! This gorgeous mama has truly taken her story of being an overwhelmed new mother and turned it into a full-fledged business. This budding entrepreneur is impacting the world through coaching, podcasting, and many other endeavors. Listen to the full episode where Liz and I talk about de-stressing, dealing with overwhelm, stealing moments for yourself, spirituality, and the ONE thing anybody can do today to begin to “unstress.”   Connect with Liz Podcast: Motherhood Unstressed Instagram: @motherhoodunstressed Read What Liz is reading! “Captivate” by Vanessa Van Edwards Join m