Eat This, Not That

Diet Decoded: The Keto Diet



It happens every year, a rush of new diets, pr refreshes of older ones, flood book shelves, facebook feeds, and boring TV shows all claiming to be the your answer to nailing your weight loss goals or improving your health this year.How can you cut through all the hype and see which one is actually worth your time and money? IN this episode, Jon and Megan introduce a new series looking to provide deeper insights in some of today’s latest diet trends to cut through the hype so you can make an informed decision and get started on nailing that New Year’s resolution.There’s no denying that the ketogenic diet (keto for short) is the hottest new nutrition trend. And although it’s still controversial among dietitians, doctors, and other nutrition experts, there is some scientific research to back it up. In this first Diet Decoded, Jon and Magen break down the Pros and Cons of this hot diet trend and, if it’s for you, provide your quick start guide to “going Keto."