Journal Theory

41: Morning Routine Series- Move & Vibe Up!



Welcome to the Morning Routine Series! Today’s focus is on Moving & Vibing up. Changing your physiology changes your emotion and the overall way you feel. When we can intentionally move our bodies in a way that produces a good feeling, we raise our vibration, emit positively charged energy and release stress, Plus, who doesn’t love a good dance party? Listen to the full episode to get the full scoop on vibing up and the different ways to move intentionally! Want a more productive, low stress kind of day?? Get my FREE Morning Routine Guide HERE!!! Yup, I created this eBook with 7 steps to a more intentional and productive morning that will only open the flow of positive experiences to occur throughout your day. Don’t forget to download!!!! Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @journaltheory Building a biz and want to trade services!?! Join Babes Who Trade! It’s an Entrepreneurial Exchange where you can barter your mad skills for what you need! If