Journal Theory

Saying YES to life with Reese Evans



Have you ever thought about what would happen if you constantly said yes to life?  Or better yet… what if you knew the answer was always going to be yes when you asked for what you wanted? My guest on today’s episode is impacting tons of lives and teaching others how to create their own YES life! Reese Evans is the gorgeous soul who is running the show over at Yes Supply as CEO, creator, manifestor, teacher, NLP coach and boss babe. Not only has Reese impacted me personally, but she is empowering others like me (and you!) to take our lives into our own hands with the tools we have within us. Please join me for this incredible episode with Reese! Connect with Reese Website: Instagram: @yessupply Facebook Group: Yes Supply Society  FREE 5-Day Training with Reese MASTERCLASS for aspiring Coaches & Freedom Based Entrepreneurs enroll in the Confident conversationalist masterclass now! If you want to have the courage and confidence to be able to bring up hard issues, then this is for you! I