Shepherd Thoughts Podcast

Episode 182: Misused Bible Verses, Example 9



Some verses of Scripture tend to relax our minds and calm our hearts in an extra special way. The words of Jeremiah 29:11-13 are like this: “For I know the plans that I have planned for you,” says the LORD," etc. We easily interpret these soothing words to mean something like: “If I pray to God, then I will find the perfect spouse, discover my dream job, have a successful business, enjoy a happy and harmonious marriage, have a good career, and expect good health.” For many, these verses are a long and poetic way of saying, “God promises that everything’s going to work out really great for me,” or, “I’ve got a great life ahead.” Join Pastor Thomas Overmiller to discover the background and meaning of these verses and to learn how to better apply these verses to our lives today.