Bible Food Podcast (audio)

An Introduction to the Bible Food Podcast



Bible Food Podcast is about free, thorough and all-accessible Bible study and training. Some other treats are occasionally provided. The core purpose of this podcast is to (inadequately attempt to) make fundamental Bible training accessible for all Christians. It's for anyone who might be in a difficult situation, otherwise cut off from Bible training. It's for the person who wants to piece together the Bible more fully, yet has been going without a solution. Perhaps it's for you, if there is any lack or hunger. This podcast isn't tied to the expensive and, by nature, exclusive academic pathway. There are no assignments, essays or going into debt. Just the Word of God. Are you serious about learning the Scriptures and growing in the knowledge of God? I pray that you might love, seek and know the Lord God, through His Christ. I hope that this could be of some assistance to you, that you might be complete for good works, being sanctified by, knowing and rightly dividing the truth. Let us strive to learn what's in the Bible, together. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit be with you.