5 Solas

Introduction of the 5 Solas Podcast



The 5 Sola Podcast is a reformed theology podcast focused on Christian doctrine and current issues within and outside of the church, and how to deal with those issues from a Biblical worldview to the glory of God. We at The 5S Podcast will strive on each episode to recapture the boldness and essence of the protestant reformers and how their rallying cries and foundational teachings are still applicable and relevant to the issues we face today. Fellow believers who listen to our podcast will be challenged to live out the faith that they profess through the proclamation of Christ and Him crucified with the passion being to see others come to salvation. Special guests will join host James Watkins periodically to discuss a broad range of topics in the theological spectrum with the goal being, as always, to edify and to challenge the saints to the glory of God. Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: ChristianPodcastCommunity.org Support Striving for Eternity at http://StrivingForEternity.