Monogamy Disrupted

The Good: Our Top 5 Pros Of Being Non-Monogamous [Ep. 14]



This week, Naughtia and Maleek discuss their top 5 pros of being in a non-monogamous lifestyle. Surprise, they were drinking in this episode so you are going to get the very best of your favorite millennial non-monogamous couple. Topics discussed: Our top 5 pros of being in a non-monogmaous lifestyle, including the shocking safety benefits of being with other partners... The joys of having friends in the non-monogamous world... We give you a sneak peak of episode 15, where we share our top four cons and our one "ugly" part of being in this lifestyle... We give you another 90 seconds of hilarious bloopers...get ready to laugh your butt off. Links mentioned in this episode: Find us on Twitter: Check us out on Facebook: Emails us at