Journal Theory

The Challenges of being a Single Teen Mom with Cera



One of the biggest transformations I have been through was stepping into the role of motherhood. As we all know, being a parent comes with its slough of hardships. Today’s guest talks about what her experience has been like as teen mom as well as a single parent, how it lead to her career as a Nurse and the life lessons she has learned in her journey so far.     Book Recommendation for Mom’s raising little boys: Preparing Him for the Other Woman   Enroll in the Confidence Catalyst Group Coaching Program now!!   Imagine for a moment you had all of these: Complete body. mind & spirit alignment  A new confident identity that looked nothing like the one that shapes you now.  The tools & the power to change your mood and emotions instantly  A wildly capable mindset.  Skills to openly converse and engage with anyone, in any setting.   Massive Self-Love. Ready to create a catalyst in your life? Enroll HERE   Join me on Instagram for more connective storytelling, personal growth discussion & mindset guidance! @jordan