Telling The Story

#56: Les Rose, CBS News & Syracuse University



How did I know I should interview Les Rose for my podcast? A bunch of journalists told me so, and in rapid succession. Les was the keynote speaker at last month's Sound of Life Storytelling Workshop in Asheville, NC, at which I was delighted to speak as well. After Rose spoke, a handful of workshop attendees mentioned to me they would love to hear more of his advice and wisdom. This should not be a surprise. Rose is a storytelling legend, working for nearly four decades in broadcast journalism and more than two decades with CBS News. The photojournalist and field producer spent seven years involved with Steve Hartman's famous "Everybody Has a Story" segment. Clearly, his credentials are impeccable. But so is his passion. An hour after the workshop ended, I peeked back into the room where it was held and saw this: That's Rose at the podium, showing his pieces to a handful of faithful attendees, hosting his own mini-workshop long after the official one had concluded. → The post PODCAST EPISODE #56: Les Rose,