Telling The Story

#52: Oliver Janney, senior field production supervisor, CNN



The morning after he sat down for this podcast, Oliver Janney hopped on a plane from Washington, DC to Norman, Oklahoma. Why? He could not pass up the chance to be a part of the faculty at the famed NPPA News Video Workshop. Janney has a pretty busy day job; he is the senior field production supervisor at the DC bureau for CNN. He monitors dozens of photojournalists who fly all over the world to cover the biggest stories. But he also used to be one of those photojournalists in the field, and before he reached the national heights of CNN, he got a kick-start by attending the workshop in Norman. Janney is my guest on Episode #52 of the Telling The Story podcast. "That one week truly changed the trajectory of my career," Janney told me. "I thought I knew what I was doing before that, and I came out of that week questioning everything, excited, and just fired up." I met Janney two weeks ago when we both spoke at a different NPPA workshop: the Northern Short Course in Fairfax, Va. I truly enjoyed hearing his persp