Telling The Story

#51: Sarah-Blake Morgan & Katie Eastman, MMJane



I have never been to the page of the Facebook group run by my guests on this podcast. I can't get into the group. And that's a really good thing. Sarah-Blake Morgan and Katie Eastman run MMJane, a Facebook group that provides a platform and community for its nearly 1,000 members. The members are all women, and they are all solo video journalists. Such a group is long overdue. A few weeks ago, I released the results of the MMJ Survey, in which nearly 100 MMJs gave their anonymous thoughts about how they view the job and business. I discovered a massive gender gap in the responses. Female MMJs consistently gave lower marks to statements about the solo life, most notably to the statement: "I see myself as an MMJ ten years from now." This is a huge problem for the future of our business. Eastman and Morgan are my guests on Episode 51 of the Telling The Story podcast. I spent 45 minutes chatting with the MMJane administrators about ways to better cater to female MMJs and give them a stronger voice in their newsroo