Telling The Story

#41: John Kirtley, assistant chief photojournalist, WLOS-TV



Through the first 40 episodes of the Telling The Story podcast, I followed a self-made rule that I would avoid repeating guests. I wanted to showcase as many storytellers and journalists as I could, so I refused to interview the same person twice. This week, I am breaking that rule. But it's for a good reason. My guest for Episode #41 is John Kirtley, who by day works at Asheville's WLOS-TV as the assistant chief photojournalist. When he last appeared on the podcast, we mostly discussed the craft of visual storytelling. But John, like me, has recently added a second professional title: co-director of the NPPA Southeast Storytelling Workshop, June 10-11 in Atlanta. John first came to me with the idea last March; we tabled the discussion until this January, and once we officially decided to do it, we began a long road of meticulous planning and non-stop calls and messages. Now the workshop is barely a week away, and I invited John back on the podcast to discuss how we hope people will benefit from it. This is a