Telling The Story

#36: David McRaney, "You Are Not So Smart"



Remember those commercials where a poor sap cannot stop raving about the delivery pizza he is eating, only to be scolded: "It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno"? That's how I feel at the beginning of every episode of "You Are Not So Smart". The podcast delves into various concepts of psychology, but it almost always opens with a pop culture example that both illustrates and introduces each episode's topic ... not unlike what I just did with the DiGiorno example. But after host David McRaney lures you in with clips from Mad Men or the Twilight Zone, he provides a beautiful hour or so of discussion and conversation that connects on a much more sophisticated level. McRaney is my guest on Episode #36 of the Telling The Story podcast. I reached out to McRaney because I was impressed with both his expertise as a storyteller and his versatility in the field. This is a guy who once owned a pet store (twice!), but he transitioned to journalism and carved out an utterly unique path. He has written for a handful of popular