Telling The Story

PODCAST EPISODE #4: Matt Detrich, staff photographer, Indy Star



Last month, a group of work colleagues and I visited the Newseum in Washington, D.C. The museum features numerous exhibits, many of which are both informative and absorbing. But one exhibit stood out above all: The Pulitzer Prize-winning photos. On the first floor of the Newseum, one can see "the most comprehensive collection of Pulitzer Prize-winning photos ever assembled," according to the museum's web site. It is an impressive sight: iconic photographs, one after the other, often as chilling as they are impressive. We all loved the Pulitzer exhibit. We all stood spellbound at the gallery for far longer than we expected. Deep down, I think, journalists truly appreciate the value of the photograph. And then, there's this. As the month of May came to a close, management at the Chicago Sun-Times made the decision to lay off its entire photography staff. They would instead rely on national feeds, freelancers, and reporters who would shoot photos with their camera-phones. Is this a one-time thing or a sign of t