Talk Box Radio With Lisa Erhard

Let's Talk About: Social Anxiety and ways to overcome it



Hosted by Lisa Erhard Not the easiest topic but did you know that social anxiety is more common than you might think.  Do you find yourself avoiding certain social situations out of fear of being judged?  Or maybe you don't even know why you have anxiety, but you will go out of your way to avoid talking to people in certain situations.  You may be suffering from social anxiety. You want to meet people, make friends, and share yourself with the world, but social interactions can be nerve wracking for all of us. People with social anxiety constantly doubt their social adequacy, and worry about what might happen if people don’t like them or if they say or do the wrong thing. Although therapy can be very useful for people who suffer from social anxiety disorder, there a number of techniques you can try to cure your anxiety without the need for professional help.