Native Trailblazers

Native American Culture in Gaming - A Conversation with Monte Cook Games



In the world of fantasy role playing games or any other type of gaming, how can game creators best convey Native culture without lapsing into stereotype? How can they best do it with respect and accuracy?  We talked with Shanna Germain Monte Cook Games - creators of Dungeons and Dragons style RPG "The Strange." Creators have agreed to make positive changes when they were criticized as portraying Indigenous people in a stereotypical way.  We commend Monte Cook Games for their desire to work with the Native community in order to show the world Native people are most than just a stereotype.  For over five years, the award-winning Native themed online radio show Native Trailblazers has been delivering the hottest topics in Indian Country to your desktop, mobile or other listening devices! Listen in Every Friday at 7pm EST or any time after in archives! SHOW HOSTS: Vincent Schilling (Producer, Speaker, Journalist, Author, VP Schilling Media)  and Delores Schilling (CEO, Schilling