Vicki Fitch Live Broadcasting

Vicki Fitch Live! A Fresh Perspective #21 - with Special Guest: Amy Schmittauer



FACEBOOK LIVE's FIRST live Podcast. Join host Vicki Fitch for Vicki Fitch Live: A Fresh Perspective as she interviews amazing guests that are crushing it in life, business or have something unique to share. Vicki's in depth interview style finds her guests sharing a different part of themselves and her questions always lead to a Fresh Perspective.  This weeks guest AMY SCHMITTAUER is Co-Founder and COO at Aftermarq a video content marketing consultancy She is also the host of Savvy, Sexy Social, a YouTube series helping rising stars to achieve greater social connections and brand awareness. The series has impacted people in 179 countries, more than 600 episodes accumulating 3 million + views. #1 Best Speaker at Social Media Marketing Day 2015 and is currently writing her first book!