"tough Love" A Sports Show.

"Tough Love" (I'm not a racist, I'm a realist)



Well, just like last year, when I was called a racist by my black "friends" for not agreeing with their cries of racism when the late Houston Texans owner, Bob McNair, said he didn't want the inmates running the prison, I'm now a racist once again for not agreeing with LeBron saying the NFL has a "slave mentality." The fury that followed my Facebook post was obvious, and that's the problem. All the Lemmings taking LeBron's side, insteaad of looking at it from a billionaire's prospective. IT'S A BUSINESS, and BILLIONAIRES ARE GREEDY! How is this a surprise? And why am I a racist for stating the obvious? Saying a business has a "slave mentality" when the employees are millionaires is a bit short-sighted to say the least. Nevermind that you could argue EVERY OTHER BUSINESS IN THE WORLD has the same mentality. The NFL is a $14 billion business, and a greedy one, at that. But their "employees" are from from being treated like slaves, and LeBron knows it. He's just not smart enough to know he's in the same positi