"tough Love" A Sports Show.

"Tough Love" (Rams/Chiefs aftermath & Vikings/Bears)



Wow. Rams win an epic battle against the Chiefs in one of the greatest NFL games ever. The total score, 54-51, is the first time in NFL history that both teams scored over 50 points, and the total points scored is obviously a record.  I'm a defensive guy. I liked the Ravens/Steelers games of the mid-2000's, but the best part about the offensive onslaught that occured last night was that their was significant defensive plays that were made. 28 total points off turnovers, to be exact, and that wasn't the only plays that were made.  And last night is one of the very few examples of when I actually LOVE watching something like that. The only downside is that I failed to go down to the Coliseum and scalp a ticket. That hurts. As far as the Vikings go, the loss to the Bears on Sunday night wasn't a shock, but the uncharacteristic play is what should be the concern. The Bears were 50% on 3rd down (after the Vikes sat at 25%), and the offense played scared, as if they were gettingn in the ring with Mike Tyson. Is