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HOW TO FIND TRUE FINANCIAL FREEDOM!!! The Secret's Dr. John Demartini



If you’ve ever wanted financial freedom, then do we have the Values Factor Show for You. Today I’ll be talking with The Secret’s Dr. John Demartini, the best-selling author of over 40 books including the Values Factor. And that’s just what I want to talk with him about today about the secret to finding financial freedom and creating an inspired and fulfilling life! Topics Include:  What happened when Dr. John Demartini was told he’d never be able to read? How did his dad help prepare him to be an entrepreneur? How’d he end up on the streets at age 14? How’d he end up big surfing in Hawaii – and almost die??? How did Dr. Demartini finally learn to read and what happened when he went back to school? How did he eventually become a multi-multi millionaire? What do the rich know that the poor do not? How do we view purchases as assets or liabilities? What do we need to know about appreciables and depreciables? How do we get true financial freedom? Why aren’t we getting the financial freedom we’re looking for? Is