Youth Achievers Usa

AMERICAN MENTORS: Brick and Mortar -- Re-pointing America



Last week we took a look at Wealth Transfer from Melchizedek to Malachi to Jesus to Your Street.  We’ve been looking for ways to sustain community building efforts and reverse what the president termed, a “gulf of mistrust.”  Many of the best practices available to support Positive Youth Development represent the bricks needed for sustainable futures.  Your American Mentors are in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania getting some insight on the mortar it's going to take to hold those bricks together.  If you are getting the metaphor, it’s going to take Re-Pointing of vital assets to build and sustain that My Brother’s Keeper Community. JOIN US!  Saturday, 12 noon Eastern, 11 am Central, 9 am Pacific as your American Mentors chart a course from being Minority to becoming the Majority.