Inside Lenz Network

Shattered Lives: Author John Ferak and BODY OF PROOF



Jessica O’Grady was a tall, starry-eyed co-ed in search of finding her Mr. Right. Christopher Edwards was a 19-year-old deceitful and darkened soul. David Kofoed was a veteran crime lab commander who was on the prowl for more high-profile sensational murder cases to keep his prestigious forensics lab in the media spotlight. In May of 2006, Jessica’s sudden and mystifying disappearance quickly turned into the biggest news story in Omaha, Nebraska.  John Ferak's BODY OF PROOF lays out critical questions about evidence in the case from the perspective of an investigative journalist.   Ferak will also update listeners on the latest news about Dixie Shanahan, the subject of his book and previous Shattered Lives interview, DIXIE'S LAST STAND.   John Ferak is one of the true crime authors published by WildBlue Press.  Visit the author website, JohnFerak.Com for a complete list of books and order a signed copy.