Journal Theory

How I Anchored BIG Emotions into my Daughter… and Didn’t Even Know it



I’ve sung to my daughter Avery ever since she I knew she was coming into our lives. When she was a newborn, there was one made-up song in particular I would sing to her when it was just the two of us and we were having a “moment.” If you’ve been through the process of becoming a new mom then you know how many highly emotional “moments” you have in those first few months. I felt elated, I felt exhausted, I was filled with love and yet somehow still felt a sense of sadness work its way through me. That’s the heaviness of new-mom life. As she got older I kept singing to her, but that intimate little song I sang to her as a newborn (let’s just call it Baby Girl) stopped being sung. I never forgot it though. How could I? A couple of weeks ago, my now 2 year old was sitting on my lap and we were singing songs from Frozen. And let me just tell you, I can ROCK Love is an Open Door like nobody’s business. Just ask Avery