Greetings From Allentown

101. WWF Superstars 10-31-1992



Taking a look at when the WWF was trying to rejuvenate the company with a loaded episode of Superstars from October 31, 1992! - The interconnected events making up the “interesting times” for the WWF - A rare Superstars/Challenge crossover! - The Nasty Boys lash out at Jimmy Hart for a double-cross: shouldn’t they have seen this coming? - Marty Jannetty seeks vengeance on Shawn Michaels but ends up with seven years of bad luck - Ground Zero of all Doink offshoots - Yokozuna makes his Superstars debut - Why Tatanka’s push and Big Bossman’s de-push are directly related - Nailz needs a tissue and a chill pill - Pondering having Paul Bearer as a funeral director Plus: - The unsung hero of a baby shower - A cautionary tale of social media postings - Wrestling and another event in an arena on the same day - Sports moments of 2001: Bledsoe, Piazza, Iverson, and an embarrassing moment - Vinnie Vegas Corner: Super Bowl LIII edition with prop bets! Email: Twitter: @GFAllentownPod Fa