Greetings From Allentown

99. WCW Saturday Night 06-28-1997



Climb aboard the Mothership for a look back at WCW Saturday Night from June 28, 1997! - The WCW midcard in 1997: a diverse playground with something for everyone - Nobility is out the window as The Blue Bloods explode - Jeff Jarrett has delusions of grandeur - Appreciating Meng’s theme and pondering a trip to Tonga - Ric Flair steals the one bit that Lex Luger was the best at - Categorizing enhancement tag teams - Konnan in wrestling purgatory - Playing the Mean Gene hotline promo guessing game Plus: - Introducing a wedding wrap-up show segment - Karate Kid 2: The WCW of the Karate Kid series? - Braves baseball on TBS roundup! - Sports moments of ’99: Pedro Martinez, Troy O’Leary, Eugene Robinson, Brett Hull, and an OT winner! - Vinnie Vegas Corner NFL Conference Championship Edition! Email: Twitter: @GFAllentownPod