Greetings From Allentown

94. PWF (Florida) 04-30-1989



We’re heading to Florida(!) for some PWF (Professional Wrestling Federation aka Florida Championship Wrestling) action from April 30, 1989! - Dusty Rhodes and Terry Funk renew their rivalry with brawls, boxes, and hilarious promos defining a “Dusty” - The Nasty Boys plagiarize a once and future rival - A Florida edition of “According to Larry” - The appeal of wrestlers in the “before” phase - A musical tribute to Fred Ottman’s PWF character - Dick Slater as the perpetual “backup running back” to Terry Funk - Oliver Humperdink: enough is enough Plus: - Inventing a backstory for Drake Maverick and the Authors of Pain - Pondering WWF President Jack Tunney as the Event Center host - Sports moments of ’94: AC got OJ in the car, Nancy and the black stick, Cheney and Calipari, two point conversions, and Karl “Tuffy” Rhodes - YouTube Comment Theater! Email: Twitter: @GFAllentownPod