

00:00 - 5:50 Opening banter and run down of todays show topics - (Joe, Cainan, Rusty, Jonathan) 5:51 - 24:42 In studio guest Rusty Jones talks about the Edgar Powers Jr. award (Jonathan, Cainan, Joe) 24:43 - 35:40 Interview with David Pressley (via Skype from Louisville) about ProjectWise Connect Edition, and the new CONNECTION Client (Jonathan, Cainan, Joe) 36:00 - 37:32 Return from break and banter about Kentucky, our listener count, MLB Baseball and Louisville Slugger 37:33 - 1:05:43 Interview with Tim Beecken and Thomas Vick regarding the Charlotte Airport Project 1:07:25 - 1:14:40 Return from Break and Interview with Graham Hamlin about Windows 10 Fall Creators Update rollout 1:14:52 - 1:24:19 Closing Banter and run down of next months topics on TIL - Send Jonathan Massaro an email to hear the disaster that was Episode 1 of TIL