Lois Wetzel, Mfa -mystical Teachings

Journey of Awakening



Linda (Lynn) Beaucage is her “Government name”, her Native American name is BWAUN EQUA, which translates into English as Sioux Woman. She is of mixed blood – Native American (Lakotah and Cree) and Caucasian. She spent the first ten years of her life, "with my Great-Grandmother as my teacher, using all the languages, customs, and traditions of my lineage," as she puts it. After her Great-grandmother walked (passed) on, she spent the next 33 years lost between two worlds. Trying to fit into the English speaking one, while trying to maintain her Native heritage. She finally came full circle to find her true path of awareness. Bwaun began to follow the Spiritual Path of her Native American Heritage, otherwise known as the Good Red Road, and through that journey, gained the knowledge of self discovery. Bwaun says, "Ever since I can consciously remember, I have always looked for truth, knowledge, and wisdom. Especially regarding every aspect of my own life; my very essence. Who am I? Where do I originally call h