Journal Theory

Buh-Bye WORRY | The tools I use to Shift out of this Space!



I used to call myself a worry wart, a stress ball, someone who constantly worried about the future. I literally wore it like a badge of honor. Why? I have no damn clue, because all it felt like a terrible place to be in. I simply just didn’t have the tools to shift out of that space. I experienced a moment of grace when a friend gifted me a book called “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living” by Dale Carnegie. That book took me on a rabbit hole of personal and spiritual development that I am happy to say I am still spiraling out on. But that moment was a godsend for me. An eye opener. A gift from the Universe. I cannot imagine where I would be right now, or what I would NOT have if I hadn’t accepted that gift. Which is why I want to share some of this with you. I’ve learned so many crazy, VALUABLE tools that help me when I begin to go down the path of worry… because let’s be honest, we all do it. Join me in today’s episode to learn how to shift out of this space and avoid staying in the ultra negative space of