

Using Philippians 2 as our foundation, we've explored what it means for us as a church to have the same attitude as Christ, lowering ourselves for the sake of those around us - for the sake of those who are different than us - and in so doing, creating a community which unlocks the full diversity of our gifts. We've talked about choosing between two paths: The Path of Hate: Superiority --> Discrimination --> Dehumanization The Path of Self-Giving Love: Humility --> Compassion --> Elevation During this sermon, we are talking about one more topic which has come to the forefront in our modern, globalized world: how we as the Church should respond when we encounter people of other nationalities and cultures. Isaiah 60:1-18 1 "Arise, Jerusalem! Let your light shine for all to see. For the glory of the LORD rises to shine on you. 2 Darkness as black as night covers all the nations of the earth, but the glory of the LORD rises and appears over you. 3 All nations