Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of Brenda’s March 1, 2019, channeled Creation Energies show at  You’ll likely be a bit fuzzy the next few days taking more time to complete, even forgetting, everyday tasks. Such is so because you’re changing physically and your body requires rest just as would be true if you had had major surgery.  Brenda’s next BlogTalkRadio show channel will be Saturday, March 16, 2019. Cellular Muck is Out of Here is the title of last week’s Brenda’s Blog – her weekly channeled blog for The overview of Brenda's March 16, 2019, Creation Energies channel:  As has been true throughout your 3D life, you're evolving. Who you were and what once interesting is no longer. The difference is you do not have others with similar growth patterns helping you understand such is to be expected. Brenda’s Creation Energies show and Brenda’s Blog contain different channeled information.