Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of Brenda’s February 15, 2019, channeled Creation Energies show at  Even though you transitioned beyond 3D, your beliefs about creation have not likely changed. If you have dreams – even the same dreams you had when of 3D – those dreams are necessary to fulfill your new role. You’re not taking away from anyone when you create those dreams for others are equally capable of creating their dreams. No longer are your dreams tied to society or Universal needs or actions. Your Creations: Macro to Micro is the title of last week’s Brenda’s Blog – her weekly channeled blog for The overview of Brenda's February 22, 2019, Creation Energies channel:  Your loved ones are likely in their dark night of the soul. You can’t carry them through any more than they could carry you. Even though you wish to play, they’re stuck in fear. But such will be so for less time than was true for you because you cleared lifetimes, dimensions, and frequencies. Those you l