Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of Brenda’s April 17, 2016, channeled, 15-minute Creation Energies show at  The next few days, you’ll emphasize loving yourself – perhaps the most difficult lesson of this transition. Even though you’re of 5D, many continue to blame or envy others. Neither of which directs you to self-love. Self-love is what brings you joy – sleeping, painting, reading, dancing, building, learning, cooking, inventing, laughing and on and on. You have unique skills and therefore unique joys. Honor who you are without social or personal concerns. "All Structures - Including Astrology - are Shifting” is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her blog for Overview of Brenda's April 22, 2016, Creation Energies show: It's time to acknowledge that you're part of earth and earth is part of you - on a cellular level. Something you negated throughout the 3D eons, but you're starting to know deep within you as you evolve. Earth couldn't have transit