Creation Energies With Brenda Hoffman

Creation Energies channeled by Brenda Hoffman



Summary of Brenda’s February 5, 2016, channeled, 15-minute Creation Energies show at / brenda-hoffman:  Those of you revisiting an issue you thought completed, are now the audience and no longer on stage. Those of you who created your earth dream, please share your earth dream creation with others. And those of you finding a need for quiet time, please honor that need. All of you listening to this channel will fall into one of these three phases for you have climbed your 3D mountain of fear and rolled down your hill to joy. Stop Denying the Power of Others is the title of this week's Brenda's Blog - her channeled blog for Overview of the February 12, 2016, Creation Energies show: Your training for 3D eons is that you must produce something to receive. Now that you are of 5D, now that you have cleared your 3D pain and fear, all you need to remember is that you are therefore you create. You don't need the help of gurus, special meditations to bring i