Simon Barrett

The News In Review - Barrett and Guests



I always send out a request for ideas for topics. This one,,,,, Trump gets great news..... now Dems own it.   What Russians, or do you mean the ones Hillary approved the sale of 20% of our uranium reserves to, and right after Bill got a $500K gig to travel to Moscow....   How about instead.... the debt ceiling, the Reid Rule comes back to bite Demoncrits, parsing 'wiretap' into Team Trump was surveilled and some body high up knew and approved it on Team Obama.... you know.... the same people who told you 'why I just heard about Hillary's server in the news just like you did.....when all along the IShole was communicating with her under a 'pen name'.....   Oh.... and why wouldn't we believe Trump when he says he, his family, team, etc were survielled? Wasn't it Obama and Clinton who told us a youtube video caused Benghazi? These same people tried to rig the Israeli election against Bibi....   I