Faces And Aces: Las Vegas

S4E62 – Abducted And Probed



April 6, 2019 – Two and a half hours outside of Vegas is the little town of Rachel, Nevada. For some it’s a life long dream to visit the small town that’s next door to mysterious Area 51. This episode we hear about adventures experienced by the guys from the Alien Theorist Theorizing podcast while visiting the town. I also take a trip out there myself, with the gang from the Pod Bay Door Show to celebrate their 100th episode. This episode is a crossover episode of sorts. To hear an interview with the owner of The Little A’Le’Inn, check out their show here. FnA Minute Strange Uncles Podcast twitter: @strangeuncles episode link: Episode 28: Silence of the Lam Pod Askew twitter: @PodAskew episode link: FacesAskew Alien Theorists Theorizing twitter: @truthisoutthurr website: alientheorists.com The Pod Bay Door / Invisible Maybe twitter: @TPBDPodcast website: thepodbaydoor.com Julia’s book Barren Waters can be purchased at Amazon.com here.   You can find us on twitter @facesandaceslv