Zion News

How Long Will the Calm Last? | 9/2/19



Hezbollah & Israel Trade Barbs Sunday NightIDF Fakes Injuries As Part Of A New ‘Psychological Warfare’ Campaign  #HEZBOLLAH #ISRAEL ____________________________________________ How long will the latest calm last?IDF and Hezbollah trade rocket attacks while Qatar cuts fuel aid to Gaza.  Martin Himel, Investigative Journalist brings us some insight. #MARTINHIMEL #IDF ____________________________________________ Israeli PM urges boycott of channel 12 Netanyahu says the network & its programs ‘promote anti-Israel propaganda’  #BIBI #CHANNEL12 ____________________________________________ Vegans demonstrate increasing political clout  ‘Vegan Friendly’ NGO works to introduce animal rights legislation in the Knesset #VEGANTLV #VEGANFRIENDLY ____________________________________________ PM hopes to forge security ties with Ethiopia  Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, lands in Israel for a two-day visit #ETHIOPIA #BIBI ________________