Zion News

Do Majority of Israelis Oppose Unity Government? | 8/5/19



PM offers condolences over US mass shootings  American Jewish community reeling in the wake Dayton, El Paso, & Gilroy attacks #USA #SHOOTING _________________________________________ AG set to oppose Likud’s hidden camera plan  This come after Likud doubles its budget for the supposed Arab voter-intimidation scheme #ELECTIONS #LIKUD _________________________________________ The Blue and White party releases a new attack ad  Right wing party leaders decry the campaign video as “anti-Semitic, pure & simple”. Rabbi Dov Lipman, former member of Knesset, is here via Skype, to discuss. #DOVLIPMAN #BLUEANDWHITE _________________________________________ PM shores up support with internal party pledge  Majority of Israelis oppose unity government with Netanyahu as prime minister #NETANYAHU #POLITICS _________________________________________ PM’S son wins restraining order against activist  Disbarred lawyer, Barak Cohen, ordered to stay at least 15