Zion News

Could Iraq Be the Next Conflict Zone? | 7/31/19



Israel grants Palestinians 700 building permits  Security cabinet also approves 6000 settler units across the West Bank #ISRAEL #WESTBANK __________________________________________ US renews Iran sanctions waivers  Iran accuses Israel and US of assassinating IAEA chief, Yukiya Amano #IRAN #YUKIYAAMANO __________________________________________ ‘Battlefield: Iraq’  Will Iraq become the next conflict zone between Iran & western powers? Here in the ILTV studio to  discuss this potential conflict are Dr. Mordechai Kedar from the  Begin-Sadat center for strategic studies at Bar Ilan University, Dr. Martin Sherman, founder & executive director of the IISS and Col. (res.) Olivier Rafowicz, Knesset congregant of Yisrael Beiteinu party. #MORDECHAIKEDAR #MARTINSHERMAN #OLIVIERAFKOWICZ __________________________________________ Trump to host Camp-David summit for Arab leaders  Meeting will reveal political aspects of highly-anticipated ‘deal of the cent