Zion News

Barak Announces Merger with Meretz | 7/25/19



2 Israelis shot dead in Mexico City Motive behind the broad-daylight attack not yet confirmed #ISRAELIS #MEXICO __________________________________________________ Int’l fallout from west bank demolitions continues Several states attempt to push un security council condemnation; US blocks draft #DEMOLITIONS #ISRAEL __________________________________________________ ‘Hamas takes kids to the front lines to die’ Palestinian journalist details how terror-group utilizes children as human shields.  Discussing this we are joined by Dr. Martin Sherman, Founder & Executive Director of the IISS, and Col. (Res.) Olivier Rafowicz, Senior Security and Military Analyst #MARTINSHERMAN #OLIVIERRAFOWICZ __________________________________________________ Saudi blogger sings in Hebrew with Israeli PM Journalist, Mohammed Saud’s assault on the Temple Mount divides Arab world #SAUDIARABIA #BLOGGERATTACKED __________________________________________________ Shaked & Peretz meet to