Lds Missioncast

Serving a mission in Salt Lake City, Utah + Staying Active after the mission = T’Cherise Howard Interview



Serving a mission in Salt Lake City comes with some interesting challenges and some unique opportunities. T'Cherise Howard served her mission in the Salt Lake City, West mission, then later came back to live in Salt Lake City to attend LDS Business College. She has stayed active in church after her mission which seems to be a bigger challenge than it "used to be." So she shares some of the ways that she has stayed active and continued to share gospel messages on social media.   Please check out the Latter-day Saint MissionCast blog with weekly letters from missionaries that have been guests on the podcast and are sending back updates on how their missions are going. These letters show the work of the Lord moving forward all over the world. They share their testimonies of the Restored Gospel, stories of baptisms, and we get to see pictures of them in their respective environments. So, click here to view those letters, and stay subscribed to our social media accounts to get notices of when these letters post.