Eat This, Not That

Could You Quit Fast Food for 30 Days?



American is a Fast Food nation. According to a recent report from the CDC, more than 1 in 3 Americans eats Fast Food every day! We get it, it's fast (naturally), convenient to fit into our on-the-go-lifestyle, and for the most part pretty cheap. All of these factors make it a hard habit to turn away from. But Ann Marie Langrehr did!In this episode, Jon and Megan talk with's Ann Marie Langrehr who lived on a steady diet of fast foods, every day, until it was too much. She talks about the how she came to the realization that her Fast Food diet was hurting her and how she survived cutting it out, cold turkey, for an entire month.More importantly, Ann Marie shares the extraordinary impact this decision had in how she looked, felt and acted. Her story is inspiring, because even if you don't cut it out cold turkey, you will learn that dialing it back is possible, and the results of doing so can be truly amazing.