James Sinclair

The 4 Types of Businesses



In this episode I wanted to discuss the 4 types of businesses and hopefully you can avoid falling into the wrong category. The first type of business look like an expert but are actually a novice. The second look like a novice but are actually a expert. The third category is MOST PEOPLE... They are average and look average. Next is the fourth and best category, the expert that looks like a expert. Let's break this down. You have probably come across at least one version of these businesses. The tradesman that look scruffy but do the job perfectly or the tradesman that look top notch but don't get the job done well. How you are perceived by your prospects is just as important as the job you do well.   If you’ve listened to one of my many podcasts or watched one of my videos you’ll be familiar with my passion to help business owners overcome some of their pain points. Throughout my business journey I’ve met and helped countless entrepreneurs who: - Don’t have time - Don’t make the money they want to -