Journal Theory

Why You’re Feeling Stuck + The POWER of DECIDE.



If you’re feeling stuck in any area of life it is because we are waiting for external circumstances to change in order for you to act differently. We think… oh when I have a little bit more time, then I’ll be able to prioritize myself.Or when I have a little bit more money, I’ll be able to invest in a personal trainer, coach or a program.Or when things just calm down a little, I’ll pursue my dreams.. NO! Life is crazy.Life will always be crazy. You will always have a commitment to attend to, something else to spend your money on, and limitless other prioritizes you fill up your life with.Getting the result you want- becoming next level, highly confident, and in alignment – will come from… Deciding to have something.Deciding that you will do something about it- something different than what you are doing now.And allowing it to unfold and fill in the cracks. Think about when you are planning a vacation. You decide you are going. Then you decide you are going to book the hotel and then book the flights. At this