In Bed With Dr Sue

Silk and Satin Sensation Play with Evil Opal.



In Bed with Dr Sue is joined by the lovely Evil Opal, purveyor of slippery, sensual caresses around your extremities with these centuries-old textiles. The thought of silk and satin brings to mind Egyptian tents with beautifully adorned women in these brightly coloured, soft, wafts of cloth. Opal will tell us how she got into being a 'textile-o-phile,' and how she incorporated that into her BDSM life. She'll be teaching us about: Versatility & Practicality - of these textiles -Different textures -Silk fetish attire -The ease of silk scarvesSymbolism - the history & archetypes of silk -The symbolism of silk with power and wealth among many others -Spider Silk -Historical and regional costuming including; saris, kimonos and goddess drapesSensuality - all the lovely ways to use silk in kinky play -Bondage -Mummification -Sensation Play -Fetish attire So bring your notebooks nuggets because class is in session and there's a lot to learn. Whether you're professional o