In Bed With Dr Sue

Captain Joe hits up NEEHU



UPDATE:Captain Joe is going to try to hypnotize Vanilla Girl on the show LIVE! Catch our interview with HypnoMaestro! In Bed with Dr Sue's very own Captain Joe is heading to NEEHU 4 (New England Erotic Hypnosis Unconference) and bringing our listeners along with him. If you LOVE erotic hypnosis you HAVE to listen to this show! If you haven't been to a NEEHU and you love erotic hypnosis you're missing out on a weekend jam packed with events, classes and private time in one of 2 fully equipped dungeons, plus a quiet room, medical/play room and the fishbowl. From the NEEHU website: "Imagine a room, dimly lit in flickering candle light that glints off of chain and jewel.  Small groups of people chat at tables, nibbling on appetizers served by people who have that slight glassy look to their eyes that suggests that they might be in a different world.  In a quiet corner, perhaps someone is drifting into a trance.  A blink, time passes, we gather to learn, experience, joyfully share our passions, and to travel d