Searching For Bernie (sanders)

#7: Cutting Off Debate



  This week, the five leading Democratic candidates for president — Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Martin O’Malley, Lincoln Chafee, and Jim Webb — will meet on stage for a debate in Las Vegas.It will be the first of only six scheduled Democratic debates, which is a dramatic decline from primaries past. In 2004, for instance, there were 15 Democratic debates. In 2008, there were 26 debates. So what’s the difference this time? Why only 6 debates? Because of something called the exclusivity rule — conjured and enforced by the leadership of the Democratic National Committee. In this episode, we explore:the blowback to the DNC’s decision to cut off debate;the shifting position of Bernie’s campaign staff on the importance of more debates;how the debates might cast Bernie in an unflattering light, and how he might respond; andthe movement to #AllowDebate.    Show no