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HOW TO FIND MORE PEACE IN YOUR LIFE!!! Plus a Guided Meditation! Self-Help and Spirituality Tips from Lexie Brockway Potamkin



If you’ve ever wanted to find more peace in your heart and in your life, then do we have the what is peace show for you.   Today I’ll be talking with Lexie Brockway Potamkin, a human rights activist, counselor, and minister, former Miss World USA, a speaker before the UN, a collaborator with the Dalai Lama and Tibetan monks, and the author of a brilliant series of books including “What is Spirit?” “What is Peace?” and “What is Love?”   And that’s just what I want to talk with her about today, about “What is Peace?”, how they’re each interrelated, that plus death and laughter too, and how we can bring more peace into our lives.   Key Points Discussed:  How to bring more peace into our lives right now (03:17) Going back in time, what can you tell us about your dad? (03:32) What did your parents teach you about making your life the argument (05:34) How in the world did you end up in beauty pageants and how many pageants were there along the way to Miss World USA? (08:26) Death as a doorway to something greater